Rules and Regulations

A complete list is available by consulting your copy of the By-laws and the Rules and Regulations Handbook.

Garbage Pick-up

Brick Township has advised Sutton Village that all garbage cans need to be spaced 4 – 5 feet apart.  This will prevent the cans from being tipped over. Please make sure that all garbage is out after 5 pm the night before.

Regular garbage and heavy pickup (metal: refrigerators, washers etc.) are picked up Monday mornings.  DO NOT put your trash to the street before 5 pm on Sunday.  
Recyclables and bulk (furniture, wood, cabinets, couches etc.) are picked up on Tuesday mornings.  All cardboard MUST be tied in a bundle.  Again DO NOT put your newspapers, cans or bulk items out before 5 pm on Monday.  If your recycling is not removed, it needs to be brought back into your unit until the next scheduled pickup.

Remember, if a holiday falls on Monday, garbage will be picked up on Tuesday of that week, and recyclables on Wednesday.  Do not put your trash out until after 5 pm the night before pickup. The following list indicates holidays observed by the BTMUA.  New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Day.  If one of our Garbage Days falls on a holiday please put garbage (or recycling) out 1 day later for collection on the next day.

Curb Your Pet

All pets must be kept on a leash per town ordinances. You MUST remember to pick up after your pet.  Children and adults are walking and playing in our village.